Welcome to Douglass Simon Solicitors
Welcome to Douglass Simon Solicitors

Founded in 1997, we have a worldwide client base covering the United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, North America and Asia. As part of our dedication to our multinational clients, we can assist in the following languages: Tagalog (Filipino), Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Arabic, German, Italian and Sinhalese.


We are an international firm with offices located in Richmond London and Taguig Metro Manila. For over two decades we have established ourselves as a centre of excellence in Immigration, Family, Employment, Wills and Probate.


Our practitioners’ legal skills span decades and are complemented by their commitment to supply practical, concise and clear advice. Douglass Simon Solicitors are proud to have acquired the reputation of providing high quality services for competitive fees.


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    • Testimonials

      “I am grateful to your solicitors [Douglass Simon] for their carefully constructed bundle of documents, their focused and limited grounds, and their cogent argument. These features are, sadly, rare in the cases I see.”

      “…it is arguable that the Judge’s reasoning is flawed for the reasons set out in the grounds [prepared by Douglass Simon Solicitors]

      “…the decision is subjected to detailed analysis…”

      “As this arguable error of law has been identified [by the appellant’s representative] all the issues raised in the grounds are arguable.”

      “As [the] grounds make clear…”

      “In light of the detailed submissions in the skeleton argument upon which I indicated that my preliminary view was favourable…”

      “The notice of appeal was accompanied by detailed submissions by the Appellant’s solicitors which I have read…
      I agree with [their] analysis…”

      “The claim [presented by the claimant’s solicitors]…is arguable…based on errors of law and/or reasoning.”

      “The grounds [submitted by Douglass Simon Solicitors] complain, arguably rightly, that the respondent’s decision to refuse the application and her daughter leave to remain has not been considered properly.”

      “…a series of energetic submissions made…”

      “…a good arguable [claim] for both claimants is revealed.”

      “If [the facts] are as asserted [by the appellant’s solicitors]…it is arguable that the decision was infected by a serious want of fairness”

      “It is the most learned pleading I have ever seen….it is a very serious document.”

      “….the detailed grounds of claim…display a good knowledge of human rights and immigration law….”

      “In well crafted grounds of appeal prepared by the appellant’s solicitors [Douglass Simon]….the representatives were alert to the substitution of that paragraph by HC439”

      “The…evidence [provided by the appellant’s representative] is most comprehensive….it is carefully set out…”

      In dismissing an appeal by the Secretary of State in the Upper Tribunal “….as clear as day that these grounds [by the Secretary of State] are misconceived and should not have been submitted”

      “The Appellant’s solicitors have set out at some length and with great force the arguments and the law….I agree with [them]…”

      “There is…a detailed review of the law…in some considerable detail…”

      “The appellant’s solicitors have submitted Grounds of Appeal. It is very detailed…the relevant parts are indeed very illuminating.”

      “The [well-written] lengthy grounds seeking permission to appeal challenged the interpretation of the Rules and the Article 8 findings on 5 separate grounds.”

      “The grounds …are well argued and argue, inter alia, that Shahzad (s85A: commencement) [2012] UKUT 81 (IAC) applies. That may well be so…All grounds may be argued.”

      “The appeal was … realistically therefore argued [by the Appellants’ solicitors] relying on the impact on return….”


      “…ingenious argument…”

      “…full and detailed…”

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